Will I be paid for jury service? If so, how am I paid?

Pursuant to Chapter 40.24, Florida Statutes, jurors who are regularly employed and who continue to receive regular wages while serving as a juror are not entitled to receive compensation from the state for the first 3 days of juror service. Jurors who are not regularly employed or who do not continue to receive regular wages while serving as a juror are entitled to receive $15 per day for the first 3 days of juror service. All jurors who serve more than 3 days will be paid $30 per day for the fourth day of service and each day thereafter, regardless of employment status.

Regular employment includes full-time employment and part-time, temporary, and casual employment as long as the employment hours of a juror can be reasonably determined by a schedule or by custom and practice established during a 3 month period preceding the term of service as a juror.

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