What is the difference between an eviction, unlawful detainer and ejectment?

  • An eviction, governed by FS Chapter 83, is used when there is landlord/tenant relationship, usually established by a written or oral lease. 


  • An unlawful detainer, governed by FS Chapter 82, applies to situations where friends, family members, significant other, and other folks are allowed to stay on premises for a certain time or under certain conditions, with no obligation to contribute money, and then refuse to leave at the agreed time or after a violation of some condition.  There is no rental agreement or landlord/tenant relationship.


  • An ejectment, governed by FS Chapter 66, is not a summary procedure and must be filed in circuit court and are normally attorney driven.  

You may visit our website, https://putnamclerk.com/forms, to review information packet and forms for evictions and unlawful detainer.  We do not have pro se forms for an ejectment. 

For more information on the governing FS Chapters, visit http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Welcome/index.cfm/. 

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